A systematic approach to monitoring and analysing public health and social measures (‎PHSM)‎ in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: underlying methodology and application of the PHSM database and PHSM Severity Index (2020) (produced by WHO/Europe)



This paper introduces a methodology – the PHSM Severity Index – for capturing, coding, visualizing and analysing PHSM responses to COVID-19 in countries across the WHO European Region. The PHSM Severity Index captures the types, severity and timing of PHSMs implemented by a country across six main indicators. By providing standardized data on PHSM implementation, the PHSM Severity Index can support and inform the development of policy at country and regional levels. The paper aims to present the dataset and methodology as foundations for further studies. As the situation evolves, future iterations of the Index may include further indicators, more nuanced versions of existing indicators, further coding principles and revisions of the index formula.