Considerations in adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance, 16 April 2020






Across the globe, countries have implemented a number of control measures to comprehensively prepare for and respond to COVID-19. The overarching goal of the WHO global COVID-19 response strategy is for all countries to control the pandemic by slowing down transmission and reducing mortality associated with COVID-19, with the ultimate aim of reaching and maintaining a state of low-level or no transmission. Based on local epidemiology, some countries are in the process of scaling up public health and social measures, while others are or currently considering scaling down these measures.

Although the goal in all countries is to suppress transmission and provide care for all patients, the intensity of implementation of control measures to achieve this — including identification, testing, isolation and care for all cases, tracing and quarantine of all contacts, public health and social measures at individual and community levels, etc.— varies based on the transmission scenario each country is facing (no cases, first cases, clusters of cases, or community transmission).