Schooling in the time of COVID-19 – a resource pack produced by WHO/Europe and UNICEF/ECARO (September 2020)



The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and WHO have created numerous guidance documents and collected significant evidence related to children and youth and COVID-19, particularly in school settings. Produced jointly by UNICEF, the UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional Office (ECARO) and WHO/Europe, this resource pack provides an easy-to-use, 1-stop shop for information in the form of practical tools and tips.

The resource pack is dedicated to 3 main target audiences:

  1. parents/caregivers
  2. teachers
  3. authorities and school administrators.

For each audience, materials are provided in the form of 1-page documents plus links to many other resources from both UNICEF and WHO. Posters can be downloaded and printed.