
WHO/Europe, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and other relevant stakeholders, reviewed the national health system’s crisis preparedness programme, including climate change related aspects. This covered capacity building on both policy and operational levels, e.g. training to upgrade the logistic and support systems. Further, the activities included an assessment of the existing health system’s crisis preparedness and response capacities in order to indentify its strength and weaknesses and to elaborate proposals for its further strengthening. The assessment results were presented to the Ministry of Health and other relevant stakeholders in a follow-up workshop. During the workshop, the Ministry of Health, relevant stakeholders and WHO agreed on an action plan to further strengthen the health system’s crisis preparedness and response capacities. WHO experts also provided technical assistance for the implementation of the agreed measures. 

A WHO/Europe Field  presence was  established  at the Turkey/Syrian border in Gaziantep to support the Turkish Health Authorities in providing quality health care to Syrians under temporary protection in Turkey. A Health Cluster coordinator was deployed in Oct 2013 and recruitment of other staff is ongoing.
