
WHO/Europe focused on:

Review of crisis preparedness programme

In cooperation with the Ministry of Health and other relevant stakeholders, a review of the national health system’s crisis preparedness programme, including preparedness and response capacities for mass casualty incidents was conducted. This covered capacity building on both policy and operational levels. In 2009, the existing health system’s crisis preparedness and response capacities were assessed, strengths and weaknesses indentified and proposals for their further strengthening elaborated. The results of this assessment was presented to Ministry of Health and other relevant stakeholders in a follow-up workshop. During the workshop, the Ministry of Health, relevant stakeholders and WHO agreed on an action plan to strengthen the health system’s crisis preparedness and response capacities. WHO experts also provided technical assistance for the implementation of the measures agreed upon.

Health facility strengthening

Strengthening the resilience and safety of the country’s health facilities to ensure that they continue to function in the event of a disaster included assessing the resilience of selected key health facilities using the WHO Hospital Safety Index. Based on this analysis, a work plan was developed, containing interventions to improve the safety of the facilities, and a workshop on hospital safety was conducted.
