Floods in Moldova, Romania and Ukraine (summer 2008)

Heavy rains and rising flood waters in Moldova, Romania and Ukraine at the end of July caused the loss of 47 lives and necessitated the evacuation of around 40 000 people. Many houses, bridges, roads, agricultural lands were damaged. WHO staff took part in rapid investigations and supported the local authorities’ health response. WHO closely monitored the situation and offered technical assistance to the respective ministries of health.


The water level in the Prut and Dniester rivers decreased in most parts, but the situation was still alarming in the south.
In total, 3 people died and 288 houses were destroyed throughout Moldova as a consequence of the heavy rain. In addition, about 7500 hectares of agricultural lands, were flooded.
Water and food safety, as well as epidemiological surveillance system, were priorities and closely monitored.


Romania suffered 5 casualties and the evacuation of more than 10 000 people due to the floods. Infrastructure (6700 houses) and agriculture were also damaged.
Prompt response from the authorities prevented contamination of regional rivers from a toxic mining waste deposit in northern Romania.
The acute phase of flooding in Romania ended.


As of 11 August, the water receded in most parts of the affected six oblasts in western Ukraine and the majority of the evacuated population returned home.
In total, 39 people died, 4 settlements (out of 784 affected) and 5 houses (out of 44 945 affected) remained flooded. The total losses are estimated at Hrv 3–4 billion (US$ 650–870 million).
The government, at both national and local levels, various organizations, groups and individuals responded to the disaster promptly and efficiently. Other countries launched initial humanitarian support. WHO made an initial rapid assessment of the most affected areas and supported the coordination of the response effort.