Health workforce

A well-prepared health workforce is the lifeblood of any health system and is critical when countries are faced with life-threatening emergencies.

Whether responding to disasters caused by natural occurrences, such as flooding or earthquakes, identifying diseases, carrying out laboratory tests to track the spread of communicable disease outbreaks, or supporting populations affected by conflict and terrorism, Europe’s health workforce requires sufficient capacity and training. As trusted professionals who are in direct contact with the public, health workers also play critical roles in educating and advocating for positive health behaviours in the community.

Preparedness is critical, and WHO Regional Office for Europe supports countries to develop health workforce capacity through face-to-face and online training, through curriculum development, simulation exercises, and through meetings and workshops.

Capacity-building activities for the health workforce include:

  • mass casualty incident management training;
  • public health emergency management;
  • infection prevention and control; and
  • laboratory services.

A workforce with the necessary mix of competencies, knowledge and skills to manage health emergencies is one of the requirements under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005). A health system that has anticipated the likely health needs during crises can respond effectively, resulting in saved lives and the avoidance of a breakdown in security.

WHO Regional Office for Europe works closely with partners to ensure surge medical capacity is available when large-scale disasters strike and national resources are overstretched. Examples include the global Emergency Medical Team (EMT) initiative and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).

Training courses

Health Security and the International Health Regulations (2005) training catalogue

Health Security Learning Platform in the context of IHR

Laboratory quality management system training toolkit

Laboratory issues for epidemiologists: training programme

Infectious substances shipping training – a course for shippers

Bio risk management advanced trainer programme (BRM ATP)

Support to national surveillance

Ship sanitation certificates

Ship sanitation inspection and issuance of ship sanitation certificate

Global Health Workforce Alliance

Emergency Medical Teams (EMT)