National Action Plan for Health Security (NAPHS)

NAPHS is a country-owned, multi-year planning process that can accelerate the implementation of IHR core capacities. NAPHS is based on a One Health for all-hazards, whole-of-government approach. It captures national priorities for health security, brings sectors together, identifies partners and allocates resources for health security capacity development.

Using feedback from countries, regions and partners, WHO developed the NAPHS framework to consolidate technical guidance to countries for NAPHS development and implementation. It provides guidance to identify evidence-based priority actions that can be implemented quickly to have immediate impact, as well as the long-term actions for sustainable capacity development to improve health systems.

WHO/Europe is focusing on priority countries to support the advancement of their IHR capacities and health system strengthening, aiming to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well G7 and G20 commitments. The WHO Regional Office for Europe provides technical support, guidance, training and tools upon request to countries in the European Region that use any of the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation components.

WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE) in the European Region is using the SHIELDS (Synergistic Health In Emergencies Ladder Development Scale tool) as a practical platform to present the monitoring and evaluation information data and to steer, enhance, monitor and upscale those capacities of Member States.