Priority countries for core capacity strengthening

WHO has identified 15 countries and territories in the European Region where support for strengthening International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) core capacities should be a top priority. Each of these countries and territories faces significant hazards, and each has vulnerabilities in its health system that hinder its abilities to respond to hazards. This means health emergencies can have a high impact in these countries and territories. It also means they are the places in the Region where investment in IHR core capacities can produce the greatest return on investment.

Priority countries and territories in the European Region for IHR core capacity strengthening
Based on countries’ hazards mapping, vulnerability and health system maturity the following countries have been selected for priority interventions:

Member States
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Kosovo (in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 [1999])

Zooming in on priority countries enables focused interventions for emergency preparedness. These include assessing hospitals for safety and resilience; establishing networks of laboratories operating according to international principles of quality and safety; setting up effective disease surveillance systems; and scaling up emergency risk communication capacity-building that is tailored to country contexts and needs.