WHO emergency preparedness mandate

The foundation for WHO’s work in the area of emergency preparedness and response is laid down in Article 2 of the WHO Constitution, which charges the Organization to “furnish appropriate technical assistance and, in emergencies, necessary aid upon the request or acceptance of Governments”.

In Article 28(i), WHO is mandated:

to take emergency measures within the functions and financial resources of the Organization to deal with events requiring immediate action. In particular it may authorize the Director-General to take the necessary steps to combat epidemics, to participate in the organization of health relief to victims of a calamity and to undertake studies and research the urgency of which has been drawn to the attention of the Board by any Member or by the Director-General.

Moreover, it states in Article 58:

A special fund to be used at the discretion of the Board shall be established to meet emergencies and unforeseen contingencies.

WHO also has specific responsibilities and accountabilities for emergency operations under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and within the global humanitarian system as the lead agency for the Global Health Cluster, a part of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC).

Member States have adopted the Action Plan to Improve Public Health Preparedness and Response in the European Region 2018–2023, which tailors the global strategy to the specific context and needs of the European Region. The plan gives the WHO Regional Office for Europe a mandate to strengthen national and regional capacities to effectively prevent, prepare for, detect and respond to public health threats and to provide support to affected countries, when necessary.