Annex. Summary of the action plan to improve public health preparedness and response in the WHO European Region, 2018–2023

Action plan to improve public health preparedness and response in the who European region, 2018–2023

To strengthen and maintain adequate capacities in the European Region to effectively prevent, prepare for, detect and respond to public health threats and to provide assistance to affected countries

To strengthen and maintain adequate capacities in the European Region to effectively prevent, prepare for, detect and respond to public health threats and to provide assistance to affected countries

Three strategic pillars of intervention

1. Build, strengthen and maintain States Parties’ core capacities required under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)

Establishing the capacities required to respond effectively and in a timely manner to potential public health emergencies of international concern is required by States Parties under the IHR (2005). These capacities should include efforts to strengthen health systems and to coordinate mobilization of domestic and international funding through multisectoral action plans.

2. Strengthen event management and compliance with the requirements under the IHR (2005)

The Secretariat and States Parties should continue to fulfil their obligations under the IHR (2005) in relation to the detection, assessment and notification of, and response to, public health risks. Sustainable and effective functioning of the National IHR Focal Point (NFP) is essential to fulfilling this obligation. In addition, regionally coordinated processes, partnerships and mechanisms led by the Regional Office, in partnership with key stakeholders, to provide assistance where necessary are critical.

3. Measure progress and promote accountability

To ensure that Member States establish and maintain adequate capacity for effective preparedness and response, progress must be continuously monitored and periodically evaluated to identify weaknesses and address them. States Parties are obligated to report annually to the World Health Assembly under the IHR (2005). Other forms of qualitative and quantitative assessments can be undertaken voluntarily.

The fulfilment of this obligation by States Parties of the European Region contributes to mutual accountability and shared efforts to building health security in the Region.

TARGETS (to be achieved by 2023)

Strategic pillar 1:

  • all countries maintain and/or strengthen their core capacities for health emergency preparedness and disaster risk management under the IHR (2005) in order to reach sufficient levels, as assessed through annual reporting scores.

Strategic pillar 2:

  • all health events are detected and, if necessary, any risks are assessed and communicated in a timely manner for appropriate action by countries in the European Region;
  • Secretariat support is provided to the NFPs for the implementation of the IHR (2005), when requested;
  • populations affected by health emergencies have access to essential life-saving health services and public health interventions.

Strategic pillar 3:

  • all States Parties report annually to the World Health Assembly on implementation of the IHR (2005) using the self-assessment annual reporting tool;
  • The Secretariat provides technical support to States Parties, upon request, for the use of instruments for monitoring and evaluation of IHR implementation.