Protecting People from Health Emergencies Together (2020)




High-level Technical Meeting and Ministerial Consultation on the Implementation of the Action Plan to Improve Public Health Preparedness and Response in the WHO European Region: Meeting report

The High-level Technical Meeting and Ministerial Consultation on the Implementation of the Action Plan to Improve Public Health Preparedness and Response in the WHO European Region was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 12-14 February 2019. The three-day meeting brought together Ministers, Deputy Ministers and high-level representatives from 36 Member States of the WHO European Region, as well as partners, with the overall aim to discuss how to ensure high-level political commitment to strengthen joint action for the protection of people from health emergencies through the full implementation of the regional Action Plan. The meeting also served as a starting point and a first step to discuss the establishment of a technical follow-up process to accelerate the implementation of the regional Action Plan, by creating opportunities for dialogue and exchange of experiences on relevant issues. There was consensus throughout the meeting that emergencies know no borders; and that building, maintaining and strengthening adequate capacities throughout the whole emergency cycle – across its four stages of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery – requires close collaboration among key stakeholders, both within and outside of the health sector.