Universal health coverage on the agenda as Ukraine’s Health Minister visits WHO/Europe


From left: Dr Piroska Östlin, WHO Regional Director for Europe ad interim; Dr Zoryana Skaletska, Minister of Health of Ukraine; Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe nominee; and Dr Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative in Ukraine.

Reforms to reduce the financial burden of health care in Ukraine were discussed as Ukraine’s Minister of Health, Dr Zoryana Skaletska, visited WHO/Europe in Copenhagen on 2 December 2019.

During the visit, Dr Skaletska outlined the need to continue the transformation of the health system and health sector reforms in the coming years: “In 2020, the health financing reform will continue with the introduction of new principles in hospitals and extension of the medicines reimbursement system”. The Minister added, “but also we need to continue extending primary health care coverage to all in Ukraine, as well improving access and quality of care”.

The delegation expressed their appreciation of WHO/Europe’s ongoing support and highlighted their expectation that it will continue, in particular regarding the development of Ukraine’s Health Strategy 2030, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. The country has recently approved a number of programmes to address noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and hepatitis, while also improving immunization coverage. The Minister noted the need in the coming period to develop programmes related to blood safety, transplants, mental health, rehabilitation, cancer care, and stroke prevention and care. Through these reforms and various programmes, Ukraine is seeking to reduce the number of people affected by out-of-pocket and informal payments over the coming years.

Dr Skaletska met the WHO Regional Director for Europe ad interim, Dr Piroska Östlin, as well as Regional Director nominee Dr Hans Kluge, to discuss the ongoing reforms to Ukraine’s health system, while also meeting with other WHO/Europe representatives throughout the day to discuss WHO’s work with Ukraine.

The delegation from Ukraine included the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Health Insurance, Mr Mykhailo Radutskyi, who highlighted that the country is “in a unique situation, as the president, parliament and government are united in supporting the health-care reform agenda”.

Years of cooperation

The WHO Country Office in Ukraine was first established in 1994, and provides technical excellence on health matters. Universal health coverage is the cornerstone of this support,  seeking to ensure that all people can access quality health services without experiencing financial hardship.

Ukraine’s National Health Service was established in 2018. This was in line with WHO’s recommendations and newly introduced health financing regulations, which place a special emphasis on strengthening public health services and institutions. Key elements of work include essential packages of health services and medicines, patient-centred health service models and ensuring financial protection for Ukrainians.

WHO has also recently worked with Ukraine to address NCDs, particularly those related to cardiovascular and mental health, while also providing support to the national immunization system and vaccine delivery programme planning, all of which were covered during the visit. WHO continues to provide technical assistance in the areas of HIV, hepatitis, TB and antimicrobial resistance. WHO/Europe also works to prepare for and respond to health emergencies by offering technical guidance, support and coordination in the field. In Ukraine, increasing attention is paid to implementing the International Health Regulations and emergency preparedness, as well as working towards pandemic influenza preparedness.

WHO operates in Ukraine with over 40 team members in Kyiv and 3 field offices, as well as continuous technical back-up and support provided by WHO/Europe and WHO headquarters.