Have your say on WHO/Europe’s proposed European Programme of Work

WHO/Europe has launched an online consultation on its proposed European Programme of Work (EPW) entitled “United Action for Better Health”. The EPW sets out the future priorities for WHO’s Regional Office for Europe building on the mandate that the WHO’s Regional Director for Europe received from Member States after his election last year.

The consultation is designed to gather feedback from all actors on how the EPW can be implemented successfully.

Achieving health and well-being is a whole-of-society endeavour, requiring the support of individuals as well as national and local institutions, international partners and the wider community, including civil society, academia, stakeholders and the private sector.

Anyone who would like to contribute to the consultation is encouraged to take part and support WHO/Europe in leaving no one behind while strengthening trust and health leadership. This is increasingly relevant during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Calling on people to take part in the consultation, WHO’s Regional Director for Europe, Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, said, “Your replies will be invaluable in mapping our collective journey in the months and years ahead, delivering health and well-being to the people of Europe.”

What is the EPW?

The EPW, “United Action for Better Health”, in supporting WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW13), sets out a vision for how WHO/Europe can better support countries in meeting citizen expectations on health for the future.

This includes four flagship initiatives:

  • behavioural insights
  • mental health
  • digital health
  • immunization.

The EPW will be put to ministers and representatives for health from the 53 Member States in the WHO European Region for their endorsement at WHO’s annual governance meeting, the seventieth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, in September this year.

The online consultation is taking place from 18 June until 18 July.