Food safety and zoonotic diseases
In the area of food safety and zoonotic disease, WHO supports Member States in managing food safety and foodborne zoonotic disease risks throughout the food chain continuum. This includes strengthening International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) core capacities for food safety and zoonotic disease and promoting multisectoral collaboration to reduce risks from food safety hazards, zoonoses and other public health threats at the human-animal and ecosystem interface.
WHO also provides technical assistance for the monitoring of contaminants and antimicrobial resistance and residues in food. WHO works in close collaboration with its tripartite partners, FAO and OIE. With FAO, the work relates to Codex Alimentarius (bodies setting international food standards), the International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) and the management of food safety risks throughout the food chain. With OIE, the collaboration includes implementation of the performance of veterinary service recommendations and overall coordination of zoonotic disease prevention and control activities at the country and regional levels.
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