Water and climate

WHO supports Member States in:

  • preventing infectious and non-infectious disease through the provision of safe and reliable drinking water, sanitation and hygiene services in accordance with established WHO guidelines; and
  • maintaining effective surveillance and response systems of water quality incidents and water-related disease. This includes a specific focus on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in health care facilities as an integral component of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and ensuring quality of care.

The work on sanitation includes attention to the safe management of wastewater reuse for potable and non-potable purposes, including for irrigation in agriculture, and environmental surveillance of wastewater. In pursuing the WASH and health agenda, WHO convenes health, environmental and water sectors through multisectoral platforms (e.g. the Protocol on Water and Health, European Environment and Health Process) in cooperation with UN partners (e.g. UNECE, UNICEF).

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