Joint statement by WHO and the Government of Azerbaijan

WHO and the Government of Azerbaijan have had a strong history of collaboration for over 10 years. The Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan has taken much interest in the work of WHO globally and regionally over the years. It has played an active role in WHO’s governing bodies, and been represented on both the WHO Executive Board (the global governing body) and the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee for Europe (the regional governing body). Azerbaijan also hosted the 61st session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in 2011, when 53 Member States gathered in Baku to discuss the future plans of the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Today, the Government of Azerbaijan and WHO reconfirm their commitment to continue working together for the better health of the entire population in Azerbaijan. They commit to ensuring universal health coverage of the population by further strengthening the country’s health system and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Recent successes resulting from cooperation between WHO and Azerbaijan include WHO’s collaboration with the Parliament of Azerbaijan (Milli Majlis), which led to the adoption of a new tobacco control law as well as a series of other health-related regulations. Technical assistance from WHO also contributed to the development of several high-level policy documents, including the first-ever national strategy to address noncommunicable diseases, the national strategy on reproductive health and the national mental health programme, among others.

The guiding principles of this cooperation are the WHO European policy framework for health and well-being Health 2020 and, more recently, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and health targets. The SDGs clearly call on the global community to attain the highest possible standards of health for everyone, everywhere. In alignment with Health 2020, Azerbaijan has translated the principles of sustainable development in the SDGs into national policies and programmes.

As confirmed by the Baku Principles for National SDG Mainstreaming and Acceleration, United Nations organizations as well as other countries can find good practices and lessons learned within Azerbaijan’s SDG experience. The national priorities set forth by Azerbaijan in its “Vision 2020” and road map for strategic country development are an excellent foundation upon which to build towards making the SDGs a reality.

Under the leadership of its new Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO recently adopted its 13th General Programme of Work (GPW13), a strategic document that sets the direction for WHO’s work over the next 5 years.

The GPW13 sets universal health coverage as the overarching priority for achieving better health for everyone, everywhere. At its heart is the goal of creating healthier lives for communities, families and individuals by ensuring all parts of the population, especially the most vulnerable, have access to quality health care where and when they need it.

This is a shared objective for WHO and the Government of Azerbaijan.

Universal health coverage ensures stable and prosperous societies by protecting people from catastrophic payments when in ill health. Since health is wealth, people continue to benefit from the regional and global expertise on building strong and inclusive health systems that WHO provides to countries when and as required.

Achieving full implementation of the SDGs is only possible with firm political commitment. Heath is a political choice, and can only be ensured by high-level leadership that mobilizes all sectors of government and all levels of society to play their part.

The ongoing and admirable efforts of His Excellency Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, and Her Excellency Ms Mehriban Aliyeva, First Lady and Vice-President of Azerbaijan, to focus on health as a driver for development and to strengthen the country’s health system are an example to other countries of how the 2030 Agenda must be driven by the highest levels of government.

In this noble mission, WHO will continue to work side by side with relevant national authorities of Azerbaijan towards the achievement of universal health coverage, including financial protection, within the broader context of reaching the SDGs.