Coalition for health and well-being in Europe and central Asia

Working in partnership is key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because of their interconnected nature. Coordination and partnership among UN agencies to improve health and well-being is crucial to ensuring that UN efforts are harmonized and streamlined across all entities involved.

In this context, the UN Regional Coordination Mechanism for Europe and Central Asia decided to establish a series of issue-based coalitions to facilitate the achievement of the SDGs in the WHO European Region.

The UN European coalition on health is a coordination mechanism focusing on the achievement of SDG 3 – to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages – and of the health-related targets present in other SDGs. Led by WHO/Europe, it builds on other ongoing partnership initiatives, such as those on migration and health and on environment and health.

At its kick-off meeting on 10 November 2016, the coalition identified 4 areas for collaboration: maternal and child health, HIV and tuberculosis, medicines, and migration. It also agreed to develop a 2-year work plan to guide the implementation of activities. Joint work will continue in previously established areas, such as environment and health and noncommunicable diseases.

WHO/Europe is a member of other, similar coalitions (for example, on gender and on equity), all of which report to the UN Regional Coordination Mechanism for Europe and Central Asia.