5. How are the SDGs being implemented?

The SDGs have a vast reach, touching on almost every area of health, society, the economy, the environment and security. Multistakeholder partnerships are an important component of strategies that seek to mobilize all stakeholders around this new agenda. Their implementation has been carefully structured so that progress can more easily be monitored.

Each of the 17 SDGs contains targets that will guide countries wanting to see and monitor change. Goal 3 on health and well-being, for example, has 10 targets. Each target has between 1 and 3 indicators to measure progress. In total across all the SDGs, 304 indicators will measure compliance.

Goal 17 is dedicated to the global partnership for sustainable development, and calls for the strategic mobilization and use of resources. This means working on many fronts, from sustainable development, trade and technology to capacity-building, monitoring and reporting.