Diabetic retinopathy screening in the WHO European Region: current situation (2021)




A survey of professional associations and key informants

Preliminary findings for consultation

WHO recommends diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening, alongside prompt treatment for those who need it, as an effective intervention for all people with diabetes to prevent vision impairment and blindness. DR nevertheless remains a leading cause of vision impairment and blindness across the WHO European Region, with an estimated 950 000 people affected.

The WHO Regional Office for Europe commissioned the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, to carry out a situational analysis of DR screening in the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region.

This survey provides an important insight into how DR screening is being carried out across the WHO European Region from the perspective of professional organizations and key informants. Although the survey has some limitations, the high response rate enables a picture of what is happening in most Member States in the Region to be obtained.

In summary, this situational analysis demonstrates that there is much countries in the WHO European Region can do to improve the effectiveness of DR screening. By acting, they may reduce the burden of vision impairment and blindness due to DR in their countries.