WHO/Europe responds to call for development of NCD targets and indicators

A Regional Technical Consultation on Noncommunicable Disease (NCD) Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation will take place in Oslo 9-10 February 2012. This is in response to the call for WHO to prepare recommendations for voluntary global targets by 2012, as well as to develop a comprehensive global monitoring framework, including a set of indicators assessing progress across regions and countries.

The objectives of this Consultation are to:

  • gather feedback and proposals as part of the Region-specific contributions to the global monitoring framework, considering also the feasibility and implications of the proposed global targets for the WHO European Region;
  • identify objectives for the regional information system within this framework which will assist in monitoring and evaluation of the Action Plan for implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012–2016 within the political declaration of the United Nations high-level meeting on NCDs;
  • learn from the experience of different countries and identify any technical support that Member States will need including capacity development, feedback into policy, cooperation and integration of gender and other social determinants in NCD surveillance.

The Consultation is attended by representatives from countries of the WHO European Region. Selected experts and relevant international organizations and WHO collaborating centres, have been invited to participate in the process.

The Government of Norway has kindly agreed to host the Regional Consultation in Oslo, Norway.