Stakeholders raise awareness on World Mental Health Day in Latvia

Lauma Kalnina, Riga City Council

WHO believes strongly that every person with a mental health problem has the right to access the same opportunities as everyone else and to receive mental health services according to his or her needs and aspirations. World Mental Health Day is observed every year on 10 October, to raise awareness of mental health issues and reduce the stigma faced by those with mental disorders.

A press conference to mark the day in Riga, Latvia, attracted broad national media attention, providing an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and inform the public about ongoing initiatives in this area.

Speakers from Riga Stradin’s University, Riga City Council, Disease Prevention and Control Centre, an association of psychiatrists and the WHO country office in Latvia shared information on current mental health campaigns at national and municipal levels. A patients’ organization also shared experience with a project to support patient employment in designing and producing modern souvenirs.

Many activities were organized throughout the week by Riga City and professional associations to raise awareness both among the general public and health professionals. Technical materials developed by WHO and translated into Latvian were also broadly disseminated.