WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Methods Development and Training in Suicide Prevention

For further information, contact:

Professor Danuta Wasserman
National Swedish & Stockholm Centre for Suicide Research & Prevention of Mental Ill-Health
Stockholm, Sweden
Email: Danuta.Wasserman@ki.se

WHO Collaborating Centre (CC) objectives

  • Research suicide and prevention of mental ill-health including help in detecting and breaking negative trends of suicide and attempted suicide.
  • Develop and evaluate new methods of suicide prevention.
  • Provide educational activities in suicidology and suicide prevention and information to professionals, politicians, administration and the public to increase the general awareness of suicide.
  • Support suicide prevention networks to create a lasting reduction in the number of suicides and attempted suicides.
  • Be a national and international expert adviser on the prevention of mental ill health, suicide and suicidology.


Together with WHO, the WHO CC works to improve Member States' capacities to collect, analyse, disseminate and use data on the magnitude, causes and consequences of mental and neurological disorders. It also provides guidance and support to Member States for the preparation and implementation of multisectoral, population-wide programmes to promote mental health and to prevent mental and behavioural disorders.

About NASP

From 1993, NASP has been Stockholm County Council's adviser on suicide research and prevention of mental ill-health, and since 1995, NASP has been the Swedish Government's expert in suicide prevention. NASP's work is combined with the overall outlines of Karolinska Institutets key objectives. NASP works together with WHO/Europe, following the Mental Health Declaration for Europe, and WHO headquarters regarding suicide prevention on 5 continents.