WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health/Centre collaborateur de l’OMS pour la Recherche et la Formation en Santé mentale

For further information, contact:

Dr Jean-Luc Roelandt
Secteur de Psychiatrie 59 G 21
Centre Frontières
Lille-Hellemmes, France
Email: ccoms@epsm-lille-metropole.fr

Mr Nicolas Daumerie
Email: NDAUMERIE@epsm-lille-metropole.fr

WHO Collaborating Centre (CC) objectives

  • Contribute to WHO's work on the promotion of community-based mental health services.
  • Contribute to work on the empowerment of mental health service users and carers together with WHO.
  • Assist WHO in strengthening information systems and knowledge in mental health.
  • Support WHO in addressing mental health and physical co-morbidities.


The WHO CC participates in the fight against stigma and discrimination concerning mental health, development of community health services, and promotion and support of the participation of users. Furthermore, it contributes to WHO's document production in French, provides general assistance to WHO and promotes WHO's missions.

About Centre Frontièrs

Centre Frontièrs was established in 1979 and provides services and equipment for prevention, diagnosis, care and monitoring for adults and children. Its main focus is to participate in the fight against stigma and discrimination, and develop integrated psychiatric services in the community. It brings together a network of actions, skills and programmes related to the mental health policy of WHO and meets the research and training requirements defined by WHO.