Advisory group members

Patron of the project

Mrs Catherine Gonzi
Prime Minister‘s Secretariat
Valletta, Malta


Ms Kristina Aminoff
Executive Manager, The National Family Association
Promoting Mental Health in Finland
Helsinki, Finland

Professor Wilma Boevink
Trimbos Institute, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction
Utrecht, Netherlands

Mr David Crepaz-Keay
Head, Patient and Public Involvement
Mental Health Foundation
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Dr Claude Finkelstein
President, Fédération Nationale des Associations d‘usagers en Psychiatrie – FNAPSY
Paris, France

Ms Dolores Gauci
President, GAMIAN-Europe
St Venera, Malta

Dr Patrick Geoghegan
Chief Executive, South Essex Partnership University
NHS Foundation Trust
Wickford, Essex, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Professor Cyril Höschl
Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Research & Training in Mental Health
Prague Psychiatric Centre
Prague, Czech Republic

Mr Kevin Jones
Secretary General, EUFAMI
European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness
Leuven, Belgium

Ms Judith Klein
Director, Open Society Mental Health Initiative
Budapest, Hungary

Ms Malgorzata Kmita
President, Mental Health Europe
Brussels, Belgium

Mr Oliver Lewis
Executive Director, Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (MDAC)
Budapest, Hungary

Dr Lorenza Magliano
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
University of Naples
Naples, Italy

Dr Andrew McCulloch
Chief Executive, The Mental Health Foundation
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mr Erik Olsen
Board Member, ENUSP, European Network of Users, ex-Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Frederiksberg, Denmark

Dr Geoffrey M. Reed
Senior Project Officer, Revision of ICD-10 Mental Health and Behavioural Disorders
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland

Ms Julie Repper
Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Physiotherapy, Faculty of Medicine
The University of Nottingham
Lincoln, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Dr Jean-Luc Roelandt
Psychiatrist – Director WHOCC, Lille, Centre Collaborateur de l‘OMS pour la Recherche et Form. en Santé mentale
Mons en Baroeul, France

Professor Peter Ryan
Professor of Mental Health, Middlesex University
London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Ms Maria J. San Pio Tendero
Department of International Affairs, FEAFES
Spanish Confederation of Groupings of Families and People with Mental Illness
Madrid, Spain

Dr David Shiers
Joint Lead, National Institute for Mental Health in England
Longsdon, Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

European Commission

Ms Hana Horka, Policy Administrator
DG Health and Consumer Protection, Unit C4-Health Determinants
European Commission


Dr Anja Baumann, Project Coordinator
Mental Health, Noncommunicable Diseases and Environment

Dr Matt Muijen, Regional Adviser
Mental Health, Noncommunicable Diseases and Environment