The European Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020
Sixty-third session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
Çeşme Izmir, Turkey, 16–19 September 2013
Seven objectives, four core and three cross cutting, have been developed, which together cover the full scope of this Action Plan. For each of the objectives, actions are proposed for Member States and WHO that would achieve measurable outcomes in policy and/or implementation. Actions should be prioritized according to needs and resources at national, regional and local levels.
The four core objectives are:
(a) everyone has an equal opportunity to realize mental well-being throughout their lifespan, particularly those who are most vulnerable or at risk;
(b) people with mental health problems are citizens whose human rights are fully valued, protected and promoted;
(c) mental health services are accessible and affordable, available in the community according to need; and
(d) people are entitled to respectful, safe and effective treatment.
The three cross-cutting objectives are:
(e) health systems provide good physical and mental health care for all;
(f) mental health systems work in well-coordinated partnerships with other sectors;and
(g) mental health governance and delivery are driven by good information and knowledge.