Full publication list
- Better food and nutrition in Europe – Progress report (2018)
- 11th Meeting of the WHO Action Network on Salt Reduction in the population in the European Region(ESAN). Meeting report (2019)
- 12th Meeting of the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) - Meeting report (2019)
- Action Plan for implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012−2016
- Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases in the WHO European Region 2016–2025
- Addressing the socioeconomic determinants of healthy eating habits and physical activity levels among adolescents (2006)
- Adolescent obesity and related behaviours (2002–2014)
- Better noncommunicable disease outcomes: challenges and opportunities for health systems. Turkey Country Assessment (2014)
- Better noncommunicable disease outcomes: Country Assessment - Serbia (2018)
- Challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response (The)
- Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) - Data collection procedures (2016)
- Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) Factsheet. Highlights 2015-17 (2018)
- Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) protocol (2016)
- Children's Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe
- Clinical guidelines for chronic conditions in the European Union (2013)
- Commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region (2019)
- Commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region. Policy brief on two new reports by the WHO Regional Office for Europe (2019)
- Country experiences in integrated policy development for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2015)
- Country profiles on nutrition, physical activity and obesity in the 53 WHO European Region Member States. Methodology and summary (2013)
- Do surgical interventions to treat obesity in children and adolescents have long- versus short-term advantages and are they cost-effective?
- Economic consequences of noncommunicable diseases and injuries in the Russian Federation (2007)
- Ending inappropriate promotion of commercially available complementary foods for infants and young children between 6 and 36 months in Europe (2019)
- EUR/RC61/12 Action plan for implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012–2016
- EUR/RC61/R3 Action Plan for implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012–2016
- European Charter on Counteracting Obesity (2006)
- European child health services and systems. Lessons without borders (2013)
- European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015–2020 (2014)
- European strategy for child and adolescent health and development (EUR/RC55/R6)
- European strategy for child and adolescent health and development: from resolution to action, 2005–2008
- Evidence brief for policy. Reducing the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and their negative health impact in Estonia (2017)
- Fact sheet - Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) - the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (2018)
- Fact sheet 5 - Childhood obesity surveillance in the WHO European Region
- FEEDcities project A comprehensive characterization of the street food environment in cities (2019)
- FEEDcities project Food Environment Description in cities – eastern Europe and central Asia Banja Luka. The Republika Srpska. Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019)
- FEEDcities project The food environment in cities in eastern Europe and central Asia – Turkmenistan (2019)
- FEEDcities project. The food environment description in cities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Kyrgyzstan (2017)
- FEEDcities project. The food environment description in cities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Tajikistan (2017)
- FEEDcities project. The food environment in cities in eastern Europe and Central Asia – Kazakhstan (2019)
- FEEDcities project: Food Environment Description in cities – eastern Europe and central Asia Sarajevo. The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019)
- FEEDcities project: The food environment description in cities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Republic of Moldova (2018)
- Food and health in Europe: a new basis for action
- Gaining health. Analysis of policy development in European countries for tackling noncommunicable diseases
- Gaining health. The European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases
- Good maternal nutrition. The best start in life (2016)
- Good practice appraisal tool for obesity prevention programmes, projects, initiatives and interventions
- Healthy and Sustainable Diets - Key workstreams in the WHO European Region - Factsheet (2021)
- Iceland - Physical activity factsheet (2019)
- Impact of health and health behaviours on educational outcomes in high-income countries (The): a review of the evidence
- Improving dietary intake and achieving food product improvement (2020)
- Improving dietary intake and achieving food product improvement: Policy opportunities and challenges for the WHO European Region in reducing salt and sugar in the diet (2020)
- Improving the nutritional quality of commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region (2019)
- Incentives and disincentives for reducing sugar in manufactured foods (2017)
- Inequalities in young people’s health. HBSC international report from the 2005/2006 survey
- Integrating diet, physical activity and weight management services into primary care (2016)
- Interim first report on social determinants of health and the health divide in the WHO European Region
- Linear programming to build food-based dietary guidelines: Romanian food baskets (2016)
- Main indicators of the WHO Global Monitoring Framework (GMF) on Noncommunicable Diseases 2016 (The)
- Manual to develop and implement front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling: appendix (2020)
- Manual to develop and implement front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling: guidance for countries on the selection and testing of evidence‑informed front‑of‑pack nutrition labelling systems in the WHO European Region (2020)
- Mapping salt reduction initiatives in the WHO European Region
- Mapping the health system response to childhood obesity in the WHO European Region. An overview and country perspectives (2019)
- Marketing of foods high in fat, salt and sugar to children: update 2012–2013
- Meeting of the WHO Action Network on Salt Reduction in the Population in the European Region (ESAN). Meeting Report (2017)
- Mental well-being in school-aged children in Europe: associations with social cohesion and socioeconomic circumstances
- Monitoring and restricting digital marketing of unhealthy products to children and adolescents (2019)
- Monitoring food and beverage marketing to children via television and the Internet (2017)
- Monitoring food and beverage marketing to children via television in the Kyrgyz Republic (2019)
- Monitoring food and beverage marketing to children via television in the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019)
- Monitoring Food Marketing to Children in Turkey (2018)
- Noncommunicable diseases prevention and control in the South-eastern Europe Health Network. An analysis of intersectoral collaboration (2012)
- Obesity and inequities. Guidance for addressing inequities in overweight and obesity (2014)
- Physical activity strategy for the WHO European Region 2016–2025
- Planning healthy and sustainable meetings (2018)
- Planning healthy and sustainable meetings. A practical guide (2019)
- Portuguese consumers’ attitudes towards food labelling (2017)
- Prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors In the Republic of Moldova. STEPS 2013 (2014)
- Prevention and control of NCDs in Belarus: The case for investment (2018)
- Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in Armenia. The case for investment (2019)
- Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in Kazakhstan. The case for investment (2019)
- Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region: a progress report
- Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in Turkey - The case for investment (2018)
- Reducing childhood obesity in Poland by effective policies (2017)
- Report of the 2nd meeting of the European Union Physical Activity Focal Points Network
- Report of the 1st meeting of the European Union Physical activity focal points network
- Report of the Meeting of the Nutrition Knowledge Network
- Report of the workshop on integration of data on household food availability and individual dietary intakes
- Report of the workshop on integration of data on physical activity patterns
- Risk factors for noncommunicable diseases in Ukraine in 2019 (2020)
- Safe and healthy food in traditional food markets in the WHO European Region, March 2021
- Scientific update on the iodine content of Portuguese foods (2018)
- Second Moscow training course on the prevention and control of NCDs in countries of central Asia and eastern Europe, 2016. Report
- Socioeconomic inequalities in mental health among adolescents in Europe
- STEPS prevalence of noncommunicable disease risk factors in Ukraine 2019 (2020)
- Steps to health. A European framework to promote physical activity for health (2007)
- Strengthening the capacity to tackle noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) (Moscow, Russian Federation, 5–6 December 2018)
- Switzerland - Physical activity factsheet (2019)
- Tackling noncommunicable diseases in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018)
- The best start in life. Breastfeeding for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in the WHO European Region (2020)
- Time to Deliver in Europe. Meeting noncommunicable disease targets to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (2019)
- Towards more physical activity: Transforming public spaces to promote physical activity — a key contributor to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Europe (2017)
- Turkish Healthy Nutrition and Active Life Programme 2010–2014 and related initiatives (2016)
- Using dietary intake modelling to achieve population salt reduction - A guide to developing a country-specific salt reduction model (2018)
- Vienna Declaration on Nutrition and Noncommunicable Diseases in the Context of Health 2020 (2013)
- Weight bias and obesity stigma: considerations for the WHO European Region (2017)
- What is the evidence on the policy specifications, development processes and effectiveness of existing front-of-pack food labelling policies in the WHO European Region? (2018)
- What national and subnational interventions and policies based on Mediterranean and Nordic diets are recommended or implemented in the WHO European Region, and is there evidence of effectiveness in reducing noncommunicable diseases? (2018)
- WHO European Action Plan for Food and Nutrition Policy 2007-2012
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) Report on the fourth round of data collection, 2015–2017 (2021)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: Implementation of round 1 (2007/2008) and round 2 (2009/2010) (2014)
- WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: overweight and obesity among 6–9-year-old children. Report of the third round of data collection 2012–2013 (2018)
- WHO European Ministerial Conference on Counteracting Obesity. Conference report
- WHO Regional Office for Europe nutrient profile model (2015)
- WHO/HBSC Forum 2009. Socio-environmentally determined health inequities among children and adolescents. Summary of outcomes, background papers and country case studies (2010)