Further actions to prevent NCDs in Tiraspol


During 20–22 June 2016, a meeting was organized to develop a set of priority actions on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Transnistria region of the Republic of Moldova. The meeting took place in Chisinau with the support of WHO/Europe and international experts.

The objectives of the meeting were to:

  • discuss the burden of NCD and the situation analysis, including information on activities, outcomes and impact; and
  • develop a set of priority actions for NCD prevention and control, based on the global and European action plans for the prevention and control of NCDs.

The meeting started with international experts and participants sharing their experiences with developing and implementing NCD plans in different countries. The importance of collaboration with partners for effective development and implementation of priority actions was highlighted. During the following working sessions, the situation analysis and possible priority actions were formulated. The meeting concluded with a discussion on the specific recommendations to further develop a draft document, which includes the leadership role of health authorities in coordinating, monitoring and evaluating NCDs.

The result of the meeting was a first preliminary document with an introduction, a situation analysis, and a strategic framework with proposed priority actions related to NCD prevention and control appropriate to the context.

WHO support for this activity is included in the biennial collaborative agreement 2016–2017 between the Moldovan Ministry of Health and WHO/Europe. The initiative is financially supported by WHO and the Support to Confidence Building Measures Programme funded by the European Union and coordinated by WHO, under technical assistance and capacity-building activities in the health sector.