Minister of Health of Poland presents National Health Programme during visit to WHO/Europe

WHO/Daniel Knudsen

Minister of Health of Poland Dr Konstanty Radziwiłł met WHO Regional Director for Europe Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab on 4 July 2016

Dr Konstanty Radziwiłł, Minister of Health of Poland, visited the WHO Regional Office for Europe for the first time on 4 July 2016 to meet senior staff and discuss further cooperation. 

The visit also provided an opportunity for the Minister to present recent developments in public health in Poland, especially its National Health Programme for 2016–2020 that is scheduled for approval by the government soon. This programme, in line with European policy framework Health 2020, is a key document outlining a public health policy action plan. It is based on cooperation between government administration, units of territorial self-government and other entities, and focuses on limiting health inequalities and strengthening cross-sectoral actions for health. WHO has been providing extensive support to the draft programme.

During the meeting, particular attention was given to health reforms aimed at improving access to universal health coverage, decommercializing hospitals, providing medicines for the elderly, and making changes to health care financing and primary health care. 

Dr Radziwiłł commented, "What Poland is doing now is very much in line with what WHO is recommending. Health care is an area where life and the health of patients must be safeguarded and universal health coverage assured". 

The Regional Director congratulated the Minister on his vision for the health reforms and underlined WHO's continued support. Other issues discussed included WHO reform and its financial implications, noncommunicable diseases with a special focus on tobacco control, and universal health coverage.

Ms Katarzyna Rutkowska, WHO national counterpart and Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation, accompanied the Minister on the visit.