15 interventions

The work of WHO/Europe and the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) supports the development and implementation of national policies, strategies and action plans to combat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in a number of ways.

WHO/Europe and the NCD Office offer countries of eastern Europe and central Asia a package of 15 interventions from which to choose according to need and context. These are designed to help countries meet their commitments under the Political Declaration of the United Nations High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases (2011) and its associated progress indicators.

Countries can request support with, for example:

  • developing a national intersectoral NCD plan or other policy or regulatory measure in compliance with global and regional mandates on tobacco, alcohol, nutrition and physical activity;
  • working with the national United Nations Development Assistance Framework;
  • developing national targets;
  • assessing the national health system and/or incorporating a package of essential NCD interventions for primary care;
  • undertaking surveillance measures such as national surveys on NCD risk factors or more specialized topics;
  • establishing a population-based cancer registry; and
  • establishing a system for monitoring and evaluating these interventions.

WHO/Europe and the NCD Office support countries throughout these processes, and assist with implementation by sharing current good practices and offering expertise from across the WHO European Region.