NCDprime - Modelling the impact of national policies on noncommunicable disease (NCD) mortality using PRIME: a policy scenario modelling tool (2019)



PRIME (the Preventable Risk Integrated ModEl) is a free and easy to use scenario modelling tool that generates estimates of the number of lives that can be saved by policies that change patterns in diet, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol for a given population. It doesn’t require any special software as it is built into a regular Excel spreadsheet. PRIME was developed by researchers at WHO Collaborating Centre on Population Approaches for NCD Prevention at the University of Oxford and disseminated via WHO Regional Office for Europe for the use of Member States and other stakeholders.

PRIME will be helpful to Member States as they undertake the challenge of achieving SDG 3.4, in utilizing local data to design interventions, set national targets, and estimate the impact of national policy interventions. WHO Regional Office for Europe will work with Member States to use this manual and provide further technical support as required.

PRIME ModEl can be downloaded at the link below (excel file).