WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: overweight and obesity among 6–9-year-old children. Report of the third round of data collection 2012–2013 (2018)
The third round of data collection took place during the 2012–2013 school year and included assessment of more than 250 000 primary school-aged children in 19 countries.
Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) protocol October 2016
The aim of the Initiative is to measure trends in overweight and obesity in children aged 6.0–9.9 years to get a clear understanding of the epidemic and to allow inter-country comparisons. This document outlines the common protocol agreed for use in the Initiative.
Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) - Data collection procedures (2016)
The WHO Regional Office for Europe has established the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in more than half the countries in the Region for routine monitoring of the policy response to the emerging obesity epidemic.