New appointment as Director of Programme Management

On 15 September 2010, Dr José Martin-Moreno became Director, Programme Management at WHO/Europe.

In her address to WHO/Europe staff on 8 September 2010, the WHO Regional Director for Europe, Ms Zsuzsanna Jakab, stated:

“At this time, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr José Martin-Moreno, MD, PhD, MPH, DrPH (from Spain) as Director, Programme Management, as of 15 September 2010. Dr Martin-Moreno joined WHO/Europe in February 2010 as Senior Strategic Adviser after holding numerous positions in Spain, including that of national Chief Medical Officer and Professor of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Valencia. Dr Martin-Moreno is an expert in public health and has extensive experience in senior managerial positions. His impressive scholarly background has made him a globally renowned figure in the international public health arena. I look forward to working closely with Dr Martin-Moreno and trust that you will join me in supporting him in his new assignment.”

Dr Martin-Moreno joins WHO/Europe determined to fulfil his responsibilities, to ensure the successful implementation of the priorities and vision of the Regional Director in making WHO/Europe a centre of technical excellence, and to work with Member States to improve health in the WHO European Region.

During the sixtieth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe, held on 13–16 September in Moscow, Russian Federation, Dr Martin-Moreno gave his first interview as a WHO staff member.