Extended Advisory Group meeting on the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services

8 July 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

The fourth meeting of the extended advisory group for the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services (EAP/PHS) takes place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 8 July 2015.

It has been organized so that the advisory group can provide WHO/Europe with feedback and advice on the implementation of the EAP.

The primary objectives of the meeting include:

  • agreeing on methodology, timelines, and content for the interim report of the European Action Plan for Strengthening Public Health Capacities and Services, to be presented at the 66th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC66);
  • brainstorming on strategies that have an impact and keep the EAP/PHS high on the political agenda; and
  • informing and gathering suggestions on how to conduct a new WHO study on organizing and resourcing public health services.


The EAP was adopted during the 62nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe in September 2012 in Malta. A broad consultative and participatory process of all 53 Member States contributed to the development of the plan. The advisory group convenes to advise on content, provide guidance on political feasibility, and support WHO in building partnerships for implementation.

The EAP is based on 'avenues for action', reflecting the main ways in which public health may be strengthened. These avenues are consistent with the 10 Essential Public Health Operations (EPHOs), which include: 

  • surveillance of population health and well-being (EPHO1);
  • monitoring and response to health hazards and emergencies (EPHO2); 
  • health protection including environmental, occupational, food safety and others (EPHO3); 
  • health promotion including action to address social determinants and health inequity (EPHO4);
  • disease prevention, including early detection of illness (EPHO5); 
  • assuring governance for health and well-being (EPHO6); 
  • assuring a sufficient and competent public health workforce (EPHO7); 
  • assuring sustainable organizational structures and financing (EPHO8); 
  • advocacy, communication and social mobilization for health (EPHO9); and
  • advancing public health research to inform policy and practice (EPHO10).