Fifth meeting of the European Environment and Health Task Force (EHTF)

24 – 25 November 2015, Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia  

The main purpose of the meeting is to take stock of the conclusions of the High-level mid-term review (MTR) in April 2015 and kick-off the preparations of the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health. The discussion will focus on the following topics:

  • Reporting: The EHTF will be informed about the outcomes of discussions at the 65th WHO Regional Committee for Europe and at the 21st session of the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy. In addition, the EHTF will be informed about the main outcomes of the discussions held by the European Environment and Health Ministerial Board (EHMB), at its seventh meeting on 19 November 2015.
  • Preparing: The EHTF will review and discuss the final draft workplan for the preparatory process for the Sixth Ministerial Conference.
    The following topics will be presented, summarizing activities implemented as part of the EHTF intersessional work in 2015: 
    • Urban green spaces and health (Roadmap theme "Cities"); 
    • Waste and human health: evidence and needs (Roadmap theme "Cities"); 
    • Environmentally Sustainable Health Systems (Roadmap theme "Disasters, Climate change"); 
    • Water and Health (Roadmap theme "Water"); 
  • Informing: The EHTF will be informed about the preparations for the second United Nations Environment Assembly (23-27 May 2016, Nairobi, Kenya) and the Eighth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference (8-10 June 2016, Batumi, Georgia).