Laboratory training on influenza virology in Montenegro

8–12 February 2016, Podgorica, Montenegro

A five-day training course on influenza virology will be held at the Centre for Medical Microbiology in Podgorica, Institute of Public Health of Montenegro, by the Country Office of the World Health Organization in Montenegro, together with the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the National Influenza Centre (NIC) in Ljubljana at the Laboratory for Public Health Virology, National Laboratory for Health, Environment and Food, Slovenia.

Participants will be virologists from NIC-Podgorica. Under the guidance of a laboratory expert from NIC-Ljubljana, they will establish influenza virus isolation in cell culture and identify the haemagglutinin subtype of viral isolates by heamagglutination inhibition testing, thus strengthening the capacity of NIC-Podgorica.


NICs are national institutions designated by national ministries and recognized by WHO. They are also part of the WHO global influenza surveillance and response system (WHO GISRS). Amongst other duties, these centres play a vital role in collecting clinical samples and isolating influenza viruses, making it possible for WHO to monitor the influenza season each year and make vaccine recommendations.