Autumn School on health information and evidence for policy-making

24–29 October 2016, Bucharest, Romania

The Autumn School on Health information and Evidence for Policy-making aims to improve national capacity in the use of relevant health information and generation of evidence to address country-specific questions and issues. The set of targets and indicators defined for Health 2020 receives a particular focus.

This annual course will cover 6 days this year and addresses the full cycle of public health monitoring and reporting. It is aimed at participants working at the interface of data analysis, research/knowledge integration and policy.

The learning methods of the course will include a mixture of lectures, exercises and group work. The exercises will be based as much as possible on national (or regional/local) data, as well as problems and questions brought in by participants from their personal work environment.

Aims of the course

Participants will explore the full chain from data to policy recommendations for the Health 2020 indicators using (as much as possible) data from their own country. Participants will:

  • learn about public health indicators in general and the Health 2020 targets and indicators and monitoring framework in particular;
  • learn how to use the European Health Information Gateway and WHO databases;
  • assess available data sources for Health 2020 indicators and the quality of the data coming from these sources;
  • learn about quality criteria for health reporting and make policy recommendations on Health 2020 priorities; and
  • acquire an overview of burden of disease concepts and methodologies.

Throughout the course, participants will be asked to link what they have learned to a schematic overview of their national health information systems, which they have prepared prior to the course. Thus the course will result in insights and solutions for improving the national health information systems that are directly applicable to the participants’ national situations.