Saving lives, fighting NCDs in Europe: contribution of Russian experts

25 April 2017

On 25 April 2017, the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation will host a meeting in Moscow: “Saving lives, fighting NCDs in Europe: contribution of Russian experts”. Representatives from WHO; the State Duma; various ministries of the Russian Federation – in particular the ministries of health, finance, foreign affairs, and economic development; centres of excellence of the Russian Federation; and other stakeholders will attend the meeting.

Experts from the country’s leading scientific institutions will present the work they have done within the context of the NCD Office throughout the WHO European Region, in particular in eastern European and central Asian countries. As members of a WHO international team of experts, around 40 Russian experts participated in more than 20 WHO missions. They provided their expertise on strategic policy-making within public health, epidemiology, research and surveillance, NCD risk factors and prevention, and treatment of specific NCDs.

The experts worked in a range of areas covered by the NCD Office: capacity-building to tackle NCDs in Europe, policy development, monitoring and surveillance in the area of NCDs, as well as prevention of the main NCD risk factors and NCD management.

At the end of the meeting participants will discuss further areas of collaboration and cooperation on innovative approaches to tackling NCDs in Europe.