First Regional Consultation on Viral Hepatitis in the WHO European Region: Progress on the Way to Elimination

11–13 February 2019, Tbilisi, Georgia

The meeting will be an opportunity to review country progress, discuss challenges and exchange good practices relating to the response to viral hepatitis. This includes national planning, surveillance and monitoring, prevention, testing and strengthening laboratory capacity, improving access to diagnostics and treatment and optimizing viral hepatitis management strategies in line with the updated WHO guidelines.

Participants will be nominated representatives of all WHO European Member States, regional partners and leading experts. The agenda will reflect the latest developments in science and public health responding to the needs of Member States.

Expected results and Outputs

  • An overview of the status of the comprehensive national response to viral hepatitis in the Member States of the WHO European Region;
  • representatives of Member States, partner organizations and other stakeholders updated about the latest scientific and public health developments and current WHO guidelines, as well about good practices in the health sector response to viral hepatitis in Member States of the WHO European Region; and
  • a meeting report prepared by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and published online, which should inform the progress report being prepared for the 69th Session of the WHO Regional Committee (September 2019).