Improving dietary intake and achieving food product improvement: a workshop to exchange experience and identify wider policy implications for the WHO European Region

11–12 March 2019, London, United Kingdom

Patterns of food consumption in the WHO European Region have changed rapidly in recent decades, resulting in the increased consumption of foods high in free sugars, saturated fats and salt. Dietary risk factors are now a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Region. Governments have been grappling with this challenge and are looking for effective policy solutions. However, when the current extent of policy implementation in countries is studied closely, it is clear that the breadth and depth of policies is insufficient to achieve change at scale. This expert workshop, co-hosted by WHO/Europe and Public Health England, aims to share experience, identify transferable approaches, discuss strategies for overcoming challenges and explore opportunities for working together. Participation is by invitation only.

For more information, please contact João Breda or Jo Jewell.