Ninth Meeting of the European Network of Ministry of Health Focal Points for Violence and Injury Prevention

1–2 October 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

Member States are increasingly committed to treating violence, road traffic injury and child injury as pertinent public health issues. The Ninth Meeting of the European Network of Ministry of Health Focal Points for Violence and Injury Prevention presented an opportunity to move this work forward. The Ministry of Health of Luxembourg hosted the Meeting on 1–2 October. Over 60 participants from 37 Member States met in Luxembourg to discuss progress made and challenges in reducing violence and injuries.

Resulting in nearly 1 death every minute, injury is the leading cause of death in the WHO European Region, mainly impacting low- and middle-income countries. In addition to causing great human suffering, this puts a huge burden on health systems and hinders economic and social development in the Region.

Recognizing this, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes injury prevention in its targets, and the Region has given it increased priority.

The Meeting provided opportunities to review the inclusion of violence and injury prevention in WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work. Appointed ministry of health focal points representing participating Member States:

  • exchanged useful information and evidence-based strategies about violence and injury prevention;
  • identified priority needs for the ministries of health in their respective Member States;
  • strengthened regional, national and cross-sectoral capacities to advocate prevention; and
  • updated the WHO products and resources available to aid Member States.

Meeting outcomes

The Meeting have fostered a better understanding of the status and implementation of plans in the areas of violence and injury prevention, increased awareness of the global directions for collaborative action, and paved the way towards Sustainable Development Goal targets 3.6, 5.2 and 16.2.