Webinar on environmental and health impacts of redeveloping contaminated sites

28 September 2020, 11:15–12:30 (CEST), hosted from Bonn, Germany

Across the WHO European Region, urban settlements are changing: expansion leads to scarcer land resources and a rising opportunity cost. Consequently, urban growth and development increasingly depend on land reuse and often resort to contaminated land. The redevelopment of contaminated land for urban functions raises potential environmental, health and equity challenges that can, if not fully addressed, pose direct and indirect risks to urban residents and users of urban functions on converted land.

WHO is convening a meeting of experts in the field of land management and conversion to address the challenge of contaminated sites and compile lessons learned on how to avoid contamination risks through urban planning and redevelopment.

Presentations and discussions will focus on how public authorities can assure that risk and impact assessment approaches, remediation work, and redevelopment activities are adapted to the site’s history, and that future land use is safe from environmental and health perspectives.

Three working papers and their findings will be presented in the opening session of the public webinar:

  • “Evidence review of the environmental, health and equity effects of conversion and remediation of contaminated sites” (Danielle Sinnett);
  • “Case study compilation and local experiences on redeveloping contaminated sites” (Gergő Baranyi); and
  • “The role of environmental and health impact assessments” (Thomas Fischer).

To participate in this webinar, please register in advance via the link below.