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Miloslav Ludvík, Czech Minister of Health

“Hosting the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health is not only a great honour for the Czech Republic, but also sends a clear signal that we want to maintain a leadership position in implementing the Health 2020 programme. The City of Ostrava is an excellent example of how interventions and continuous efforts of citizens and municipalities can successfully revitalize the whole region.”

Richard Brabec, Czech Minister of Environment

“Air pollution remains one of the most acute environmental issues in the Czech Republic and Europe. At national level, we have made huge achievements, from strengthening air protection legislation to launching a funding scheme to replace obsolete domestic heating systems. Thanks to these measures and others to come, by 2020 we will have significantly improved air quality in our country.”

Olga Algayerova, newly appointed Executive Secretary of UNECE

“We have enough evidence. We have solutions at hand. What we need is action. Examples of solutions developed over the past 20 years by UNECE and WHO/Europe with a proven track record include the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, the Protocol on Water and Health, and the Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme. But we must do more to fulfil their potential to clean the air and water and promote smart cities and clean transport systems. And while doing more, we must build on the synergies embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals.”

Jan Dusík, UN Environment Regional Director for Europe

“We must decarbonize our energy, detoxify our lives and decouple our economies from unsustainable practices. UN Environment flags threats and offers solutions in the Global Environment Outlook, helps green city heating systems and hosts conventions on hazardous substances. We can clean our air, transform cities and keep children safe when playing with toys. We have the solutions – let’s choose to apply them.”

Ivo Vondrák, Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region

“Improving the health of our populace is crucial for the Moravian-Silesian Region, as our Region’s industrial legacy has impacted their health. We will not only invest in improving the environment, but also in developing a systematic network of high-quality health care facilities, including purchasing equipment. Last but not least, we will also support the education of children in the medical field.”

Tomáš Macura, Mayor of Ostrava

“We view this conference as a unique honour and an opportunity for Ostrava. Despite a long industrial history, in recent years we have achieved great improvements in the quality of our environment. Ostrava’s key priorities include a range of activities supporting sustainable development, which will help bring our city closer to nature and have a major positive impact on people’s quality of life.”