Membership information

Who can be a member of RHN?

Firstly, any region, province, canton, county, state or oblast belonging to one of the 53 member states in the WHO European Region. Secondly, sub-national authorities outside this region that have a special interest in the RHN work plan.

Membership to the Regions for Health Network requires a commitment to the purpose and objectives of the RHN and active participation. Members are expected to have:

  • decision-making power
  • resources for investment for health
  • capacity to create and develop partnerships for health
  • an ability to monitor health status.

Is there a membership fee?

The Network is financed by four primary resource streams:

  1. membership fees
  2. WHO contributions
  3. agreements to finance specific projects or pieces of work
  4. in kind contributions from RHN Members and WHO collaborating centres.

Each member region makes a financial contribution annually and these fees go to covering the core operational costs such as running the RHN Secretariat and the organization of the Annual General Meeting. In kind contributions may take the form of hosting meetings and/or providing technical expertise.

How can a region apply for membership?

Please contact the Secretariat at and request an application form.