WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs (NCD Office)

The NCD Office in Moscow, Russian Federation, leads WHO work on strengthening national capacity in all 53 countries in the WHO European Region to prevent and control NCDs, promote an intersectoral approach and develop policies to tackle NCDs. Establishment of the Office marked an important milestone in the commitment made by the Russian Federation in September 2012 to combat NCDs in the Region.

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Top story

An adapted alcohol screening test will help to fight health harms in the Russian Federation and beyond

WHO/Europe has presented a new package of Russian- and English-language materials to help primary health-care workers in many countries of the eastern part of the WHO European Region to identify patients with risky drinking behaviours.


A policy scenario modelling tool (2019)

Modelling the impact of national policies on noncommunicable disease (NCD) mortality using PRIME

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For queries please contact the NCD Office in Moscow, Russian Federation

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