WHO/Europe and EuroPharm Forum to develop joint initiatives

Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, and Dick Tromp, President of the EuroPharm, Forum signed a memorandum of understanding on 8 March 2012 establishing closer working relations. The agreement enables the partners to develop and implement joint initiatives to support the implementation of WHO’s policies around the WHO European Region.

Future activities will focus on educating health care professionals, including pharmacists, in the principles of good pharmacy practice to address communicable and noncommunicable diseases, and antimicrobial resistance in particular. A specific action plan will be developed by July 2012.

Through the agreement, WHO/Europe recognizes pharmacists as an essential component of any health system, and therefore vital contributors to better health.

About the EuroPharm Forum

The Forum is a joint network of pharmacists’ professional associations in countries in the WHO European Region. It was founded in January 1992. The Forum seeks to strengthen pharmacists’ contributions to improving health in Europe according to priorities set by WHO. To do this, it works through dialogue and cooperation with and among national pharmacists’ associations, with technical input and advice from WHO.