The European Union and its institutions

The European Union (EU) is an important actor in global health and international affairs, and a strong supporter of WHO’s role as the lead agency for health, both globally and in the region.

The EU is a natural partner of WHO/Europe. Geographically, more than half of the WHO European Region’s Member States belong to it or seek to join.

WHO/Europe’s principal partner in the EU is the European Commission, due to its administrative, executive, legislative and judicial responsibilities. It also works very closely with the European Council through the presidencies, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Regions, and relevant EU agencies such as:

  • the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
  • the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
  • the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
  • the European Environment Agency (EEA)
  • the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
  • the European Agency for Health and Safety at Work (EU-OSHA)
  • Eurostat
  • the European Investment Bank (EIB).