European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

A 2005 Memorandum of Understanding recognizes that WHO/Europe and ECDC are involved in public health development in Europe, and need to work together. They signed a new administrative agreement in March 2011, which streamlines the implementation of previous agreements on surveillance. Through the joint coordination group of WHO and ECDC, which addresses annual work plans and collaborative activities, both play a vital part in preventing and overcoming health threats in the European Region.

For example, WHO/Europe and ECDC work together to develop a single European reporting and response system, and to implement the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR).

ECDC is a European Union agency established in 2005 to help strengthen Europe’s defences against infectious diseases, such as influenza, food and waterborne diseases and HIV/AIDS. The mandates of WHO/Europe and ECDC are complementary.