RC69 opens on 16 September with review of progress in public health


On 16–19 September 2019, health ministers and high-level representatives of the 53 Member States of the WHO European Region, along with partner organizations and civil society, will gather for the 69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe (RC69).

RC69, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark, will provide delegates with an opportunity to reflect on public health achievements, and how the European policy framework Health 2020 has driven progress across the Region during Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab’s 10-year tenure as WHO Regional Director for Europe.

Priority health topics including health equity, health literacy and accelerating primary health care through organizational and technological innovation are also on the agenda. In addition, this year’s session will include the election of the new WHO Regional Director for Europe.

Keynote speeches

  • Address by Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe on the work of WHO/Europe (Monday 16 September)
  • Address by Her Royal Highness, The Crown Princess of Denmark and Patron of WHO/Europe (Monday 16 September)
  • Keynote speech by Ola Rosling, President and cofounder of Gapminder Foundation: “For a fact-based worldview” (Monday 16 September)
  • Address by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General (Tuesday 17 September)
  • Keynote speech by Ms Anne Bucher, Director-General, European Commission, Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (Wednesday 18 September)

Follow the proceedings live

RC69 will be webcast live on the RC69 website, and on social media the hashtag is #RC69CPH.

Coverage of RC69 will be posted throughout the week on WHO/Europe’s official Twitter and Instagram accounts and Facebook page.

Twitter: @WHO_Europe

@WHO_Europe_RU (Russian)

@WHO_Europe_DE (German)

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WHOEurope

Instagram: @whoeurope

Election of new Regional Director

The new WHO Regional Director for Europe will be elected through a secret ballot at a private meeting on 17 September 2019, during RC69. The Regional Director-elect will be selected from a list of candidates proposed by Member States of the Region. He or she will serve a 5-year term, with the possibility of a second term. Further information on the nomination process and a list of candidates is available via a link below.