Full list of BELMED objectives

BELMED: preventing noncommunicable diseases; promoting healthy lifestyle; supporting modernization of the health system.

The main goal of the BELMED project is to promote the effective prevention of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and strengthen the national health system to effectively address the challenges of NCDs in Belarus.

Objective 1: Promote healthy lifestyles and the prevention of NCDs, with the aim of reducing the impact of the most significant risk factors for NCDs – excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, unhealthy diet and low levels of physical activity.

  • Activity 1.1. Develop a national strategy for healthy lifestyle promotion and NCD prevention, aimed at reducing the impact of the most significant risk factors for NCDs – smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and low levels of physical activity – with participation of nongovernmental organizations and international agencies.
  • Activity 1.2. Develop and implement the national information strategy on healthy lifestyle.
  • Activity 1.3. Monitor and evaluate the situation, and create the evidence base for informed decision-making in the field of NCD prevention.

Objective 2: Develop initiatives for the promotion of healthy lifestyles at the local level.

  • Activity 2.1. Organize the call for proposals for civil society organizations, local initiatives and local authorities aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles, and implement the selected initiatives.

Objective 3: Prepare and implement pilot screening programmes for breast cancer at the regional level in order to implement population-based screening throughout Belarus.

  • Activity 3.1. Establish an autonomous programme management team (PMT) to ensure coordination, development and implementation of the breast cancer screening programme.
  • Activity 3.2. Train PMT members and medical personnel.
  • Activity 3.3. Develop the comprehensive plan and respective information materials for the pilot programmes.
  • Activity 3.4. Conduct feasibility research and publish results.
  • Activity 3.5. Improve the process of breast cancer screening.
  • Activity 3.6. Implement the pilot breast cancer screening programme.
  • Activity 3.7. Develop, introduce and adapt the register for breast cancer screening.

Objective 4: Improve the system of child disease and injury prevention.

  • Activity 4.1. Strengthen national capacity for child injury prevention, including monitoring and analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of preventive measures.
  • Activity 4.2. Improve the knowledge and skills of adolescents on safe behaviour, and of young parents and the public on child injury prevention.
  • Activity 4.3. Expand the access of adolescents to friendly services for prevention of risky behaviour and injury.

Objective 5: Strengthen the system of mother and child medical care.

  • Activity 5.1. Improve monitoring and evaluation of the quality of medical services in the field of maternal and child health.
  • Activity 5.2. Improve the quality of health services in the area of reproductive health and mother and child health.
  • Activity 5.3. Strengthen the capacity of primary health care to provide services to families with children under 3 years of age.

Objective 6: Support the modernization of the health system with a particular focus on primary health care.

  • Activity 6.1. Provide policy guidance aimed at strengthening the health system with a particular focus on primary health care.
  • Activity 6.2. Enhance the coordination of health providers and the continuity of care.
  • Activity 6.3. Develop incentive schemes for health practitioners.
  • Activity 6.4. Strengthen the clinical competencies of primary care practitioners and standardize practices related to the prevention, control and treatment of NCDs.

Objective 7: Ensure effective project management.

  • Activity 7.1. Initiate the first stage of the project.
  • Activity 7.2. Monitor and evaluate the project.
  • Activity 7.3. Conduct project management and related group activities.